Transmission is back in ...

I set out this evening to put the transmission back in the Mercury. I had a plan - which held together for about 1/2 the experience. Then I had many many alternate plans and a fair amount of winging it.

I jacked the car back up as high as it would go and then went through about 4 or 5 iterations of 'how do I balance the transmission" on my floor jack. The first plan started beautifully and then came undone within seconds of rolling under the car. I tried in vain to reset without crawling back out from under the car, but I was not strong enough to lift 100lbs and scoot the jack in place with my foot while laying on my back or side.

So I dragged everything out and tried several configurations. I learned many lessons in these experiments - including how to operate the jack with my legs while I used my arms to weasel it into position.

Eventually I got the spindle into the hole - I tilted the transmission and the engine several times and got it to seat all but the last 1/2 inch. I kicked and wiggled and pulled it out and tried to slam it home and talked to it real sweet like and could not get it to seat all the way. It was close enough for 2 of the bottom bolts, but the top 2 would not engage.

I decided to change focus and see if I could get the transmission cross member back in place. I wedged a piece of 2x4 under the transmission tail so I could use my jack to hold the cross member in the air while I fit the bolts. It was mostly mundane, but I did use a hammer to seat it home and that sent a shower of rust all over me.

Then I lowered the transmission onto the cross member. Half an inch from seated doesn't seem like much, but it kept the transmission "foot" from aligning with the bolt holts on the cross member. Once again I spoke very kindly to the transmission - then I got a 2x4 and a 2.5lbs sledge and tried to put the quietus on that beast. That didn't work either.

For some reason, I decided to try and turn the flywheel by rotating the balancer pulley. After about 1/4 turn the transmission tilted a little and went "WONK". So - I crawled back under the pushed ... and nothing. Then I checked to see if I could turn the 2 bolts I had and now THAT worked ... a little on the left, a little on the right, and it went all the way home.

In terms of injuries, I have a sore palm from catching the transmission when it fell - my left hip is bruised for some reason - and while I was thrashing under there on the creeper I rolled over the back of my left arm. That one hurts the worst.

Tomorrow I will put the top of the engine back together and then load the interior with all the parts I am not going to reattach.


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