We had a moment of movement

Believe it or not, I made that. I know it looks store bought. You can probably make one too. If you send me $18 and a SASE and I will send you a complete set of plans for the [Pistonator].

For every person you meet, there are at least 2 ideas about the best way to unstuck an engine. They all have some secret recipe for some magic liquid that makes everything move. ATF, brake cleaner, diesel fuel, goats milk yogurt, the liquid esssence from an adolescent squid. Then, their neighbor's uncle's friend would come over and perform a ritual and viola' - the engine would just start to run. Even before you got the heads back on.

For me - I have taken the path of: a) give it all the penetrating oil I can b) wait a bit then c) beat it mercilessly with a stick. The trick is to beat it alternating left to right and front to back (1 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 4 > 8). I went around twice giving each bore 2 solid whacks and got several very satisfying *grunchangs*. I rested a bit and did the loop again. It is hard to bend over 70 degrees at the waste and reach all the way out and swing a 2lb sledge. Much harder than walking around the fender.

And then I got my wrench + cheater bar and gave the crank a crank. IT MOVED!!!

I was so excited - I jumped up and down and "WHOOP"ed. The dogs barked. Much joy was had by all. I called my dad. I texted my friends. IT MOVED!!! I got new energy for more whacking - and came to love the sweet sweet sounds of *grunchang* I was going back and forth about a half inch. A HALF INCH - the gates were opened.

Note the word was.

The engine sensed my joy (or the dogs told on me) and it was done. No more back. No more forth. I beat it some more. I gave it some more oil. I beat it some more. I even slammed my Pistonator wrist with the sledge just to show the car I was sincere. Nothing.

So I am back squirting oil and swinging the sledge into the stick into the piston. If it doesn't start rolling soon I will need to craft [Pistonator Mk2].


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